Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting ready

for 2010. This will be an intersting coming up with all the excitement attached to it. I hope the year beings us all good things.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ho, ho, ho

We are into the countdown before Christmas. What have I done, so far? Nothing substantial. Feeling very Grinchy. Former student died after a seizure; wife of a good friend diagnosed with liver cancer; children a little huffy about Christmas plans...I feel old.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Electronic Resources

We have gotten 5 schools from the MASLIC group to commit to buying the Gale packaage of ebooks and 1 database. This is really a good thing because it moves us forward in our effort to enlarge our tech offerings. But I still am concerned...What if someone trips over that great extension cord in the sky? As we move forward into the digital universe, I hope that we don't lose sight of the pleasure involved in turning the pages of a book.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog


There's  a new person following this.  I hope it isn't too dull!  I found another blog about the Camino.  I think it is really just an online journal that these ladies kept while they traveled.  Funny thing, they were on the Camino at the same time we were.  Small world, I guess.  The more I think about it, I would love to go back to Barcelona and see Pamplona as well.  Next time, I think I may back track.  This journey gets in your blood in a way.  I think for me, it is never finished.  I go back to my original reaction to the journey...I am forever "On the way."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

24 days

until Christmas.  We are beginning to get weding information.  September seems a long way away, but I have a feeling that it will be on us before we know it. 

I guess if I'm going to blog, I need to decide if this is personal or professional...can't decide.  But on a personal note, I read a message from Mimi McCaul today and it reminds me of how great the Buttimer experience was.   Buttimer opened the door for me to be more receptive to the Camino.  I think that I'm going to work on having some kind of retreat/reunion for Diane, Katie, Mimi, maybe Sr. Regina and Carol..not to mention Mary and Trish.  It would be so nice to reconnect.