Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 6, # 15

Ok, now we're getting somewhere.  these posts from Library 2.0 about the future of libraries lead right to what  we're tryiong to do by moving into the digital media arena.  One of the products that we're looking at for next year is a database that allows students to work together on Facebook or Myspace or other social networking sites.  It is important to note the comment about what kind of "collections" we should be building.

this is really interesting.

Week 6, #14

 Technorati :  instructions are not clear; for someone at my level, it just doesn't work.  Also the link to "claim" the blog for me was a broken link.
Another thing about this is the sheer volume of information being presented on the site.  I get the idea of tagging and can see how a person who wants to know the latest on a specific topic might find it worth the effort...but not me.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 6, # 13

I guess 13 is my unlucky number.  I managed to  look around technocrati and to find a couple  of interesting blogs on that site.  I even joined one group and posted a comment ("Where are all the Americans on the Camino").  But after visiting de.lici.ous, I tried to join and the site would not accept my yahoo login.  I know it works other places because I used it earlier to find something for a student, but for some reason the "d" site will not accept me.  I have had an account here once before and I see the benefit of being able to take your bookmarks from computer to computer, but I still think some of these tools require a person to spend an awful lot of time, logging on , remembering passwords, etc. 

I did find some intersting articles about e-books and their impact on libraries, esp. public libraries.  Very thought provoking.  I also suscribed to the library2.0 rss feed.

A little later:  tried one more time and Voila!! I have a de.liici.ous account and 3 bookmarks.  Yea!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week 5, # 12

I creatyed my Rollyo but then I tried to add it to my blog, and I got a "busy signal" from the site.  I liked the idea of creating a personal search list, but the tool itself is not easy to use.  I wasn't sure that I understood the instructions and it is VERY, VERY slow to save.  I had to try 3 times before I could get anything but the busy message and I wanted almost 10 minutes for my changes to save.  I"m not sure it's worth the effort, although I do see the value for creating a search site for a project.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 5, # 11

Since I'm already a Facebook member, I decided to look at WorldCat and Librarything for this exercise.  Both are centered on sharing books.  I had looked at Librarything a couple of years ago but found it a little too busy to be of interest for me.  I still get regular updates from the site, but for informal book-sharing I much prefer Shalfari.  I like the look/layout and find it more focused.  Librarything does offer some curriculum content for school librarians but it is more elementary than secondary in that respect.  I like WorldCat better esp. since some of the MASLIC schools have shared their collections on the site.  it's handy for cataloging and finding a title.

I created a group on Ning fpr the Writers Collective.  I don't know if the boys will be interested in it but it's an idea for other clubs to use.

I got to level 7 on the travel IQ.  I've tried it before...but I don't know my Serbias and African countries!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week 5, # 10

I tried the word mosaic in honor of the MUS V. CBHS football game tomorrow.  I used

I really didn't spend a lot of time looking around these sites, but image chef seemed to be the easiest to use.I still am not sure how to put images like this into the body of the blog.

And this is appropos of nothing, but have you noticed that the time postings on these blog entries are Pacific time?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week 4 # 9

So I tried looking at some of the other feed lists...FYI "Feedster" is no longer operating.  I went to Edublogs but this is just another blogging site and difficult to navigate, I thought.  Google Reader returned some interesting content, but not exactly what I searched for.  I still think the feeds are hard to find and even harder to subscribe to.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flickr re-run

Betty says that my slideshow does not appear when she looks at my blog.  What's up with that?  Any ideas?  I can see it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week 4, # 8

So I have an RSS feed account with Bloglines, but I'm not sure what happens next.  I found a really interesting article on a book-less  high school library, but it got lost and now I can't find it again.  Oh well.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Week 3 #7


Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 3, # 6 Still Flickr-ing

I spent from about 7 PM last night until after 11 PM looking at the various incarnations of Flickr.  I actually wanted to see how to create a slide show and post it on the luck for me.  But this brings up the main problem that I have with all of this.  It's fun; it's fascinating; it's TOO much.  It is difficult to avoid being overwhemed by all of the log ins and passwords and places that you have to create accounts.  Then when I actually get into the business of creating something, for me at least, sometimes the instructions assume more ability than I have.  It can get really frustrating.  Also, soem of these people must live next to or on the computer!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Still Week 3 on Flickr

I have been looking at some of the "creations" or "mash ups" and I think this is so beyond me.  How much time does it take to play around with this in order to make what you do meaningful?  This is a hard one for me.  I am trying to do some of the creative things but no success.  I need someone to walk me through it I think.  I think I am techno-challenged!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 3, # 5

So I've browsed around Flickr...I was a little confused about creating some of the projects.  It all seems beyond me at this point.  But I did blog a photo of SGI beach which made me "homesick." 

Morning star rising and hope alive.

I found a St. George Island group on Flickr!! I've stood on the beach and seen this view many times. It makes me nostalgic for "island time." Just wait until christmas break!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 2 # 4

My blog is registered and I recieved some feedback from Connie Williams who is president of the California School Library Association.  Bloggging is a neat exercise and I can see how it can be used for book reviews and for sharing experiences in the library.  I am always coming back to the main issue for me ... TIME

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week 2 still

I notice that my old blog is still around...Tidal Wave...this is an example of the problem.  Sometimes I feel that these "opportunities" to go digital  are really fragmenting my attention.  It's hard to keep up with something like this unless there is a real purpose and right now this feels a little "purpose-less."  Help!

Week 2, # 3 Entering the blogosphere

I think the hardest thing for me is to find the time to get into this kind of exercise.  I have started to blog before as a part of na online class, but I could never get into the habit of posting. 
I have joined FACEBOOK and this is an interesting thing because I have connected with several people from the past.  This opportunity to connect has shown the benefits of the online experience.