Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 5, # 11

Since I'm already a Facebook member, I decided to look at WorldCat and Librarything for this exercise.  Both are centered on sharing books.  I had looked at Librarything a couple of years ago but found it a little too busy to be of interest for me.  I still get regular updates from the site, but for informal book-sharing I much prefer Shalfari.  I like the look/layout and find it more focused.  Librarything does offer some curriculum content for school librarians but it is more elementary than secondary in that respect.  I like WorldCat better esp. since some of the MASLIC schools have shared their collections on the site.  it's handy for cataloging and finding a title.

I created a group on Ning fpr the Writers Collective.  I don't know if the boys will be interested in it but it's an idea for other clubs to use.

I got to level 7 on the travel IQ.  I've tried it before...but I don't know my Serbias and African countries!

1 comment:

  1. I like Shelfari too, because I can see what YOU are reading. Many of my favorite books have been ones you recommended. It also helps me remember what I've already read!



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