Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 6, # 13

I guess 13 is my unlucky number.  I managed to  look around technocrati and to find a couple  of interesting blogs on that site.  I even joined one group and posted a comment ("Where are all the Americans on the Camino").  But after visiting de.lici.ous, I tried to join and the site would not accept my yahoo login.  I know it works other places because I used it earlier to find something for a student, but for some reason the "d" site will not accept me.  I have had an account here once before and I see the benefit of being able to take your bookmarks from computer to computer, but I still think some of these tools require a person to spend an awful lot of time, logging on , remembering passwords, etc. 

I did find some intersting articles about e-books and their impact on libraries, esp. public libraries.  Very thought provoking.  I also suscribed to the library2.0 rss feed.

A little later:  tried one more time and Voila!! I have a de.liici.ous account and 3 bookmarks.  Yea!

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