Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Private v. Public

Well, since nobody is going to see this, I guess it really doesn't matter   if I make it private or not.  I am looking at technology a little differently these days.  I still believe that educationally speaking we are moving too far away from teaching the basics. In a lot of ways, computers are removing independence from the learning process.  Students rely on computers to spell for them, to correct their grammar, to add and stubtract...never mind multiply and divide.  Things that used to be a matter of memorization, like the state capitals for instance, are now a google search.  You may ask yourself, why memorize when your Iphone can give you the answer, but I think there is an element of discipline in thinking that is being lost...maybe I'm archaic, I don't know. 
From my position here in the library, I see a lot of things that happen across the curriculum.  Even teachers take the easy way out.  With the student load and the time are being asked to rear some of these children for the is certainly understandable.  BUT there are some basics that have been lost.  We are producing very few really curious children these days.  It's all about the grade not the pursuit of something new.

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