Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 9, # 20

Of course I have seen and used Youtube before.  That's where I found a couple of videos of a speech Sir Ken Robinson gave at TED Talks on critical thinking.  I looked around and found one on progress that is really funny and very ironic.
There is a whole series of videos by this guy "I put the 'no' in innovation."
I tried to figure out how to put the video on my blog, but I really don't understand how that works. Iit's like the "handbook" in the previous blog, it would take some time to play with it that I am not able to spend right now.

I looked at Teachertube as well and of course these are more curriculum or teacher training related.  I can see the value of using these sites to produce information/training videos for teachers and students to introduce the library and its components to new users (and old).  If I can ever see how to embed the video onto the library page, and if we had the bandwidth to run the videos, they could also be used for book reviews  or by teachers to explain research projects to their classes. 

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