Thursday, November 5, 2009

Week 7, # 17

I didn't follow the plan exactly.  In order to add a post to the California site  I was supposed to create yet another account...too much  for me.  That's my problem with a lot of this--the fact that there is no standardization.  Every site requires a login and password.  There are different requirements to satisfy and keping it straight is time consuming.  I have created a Ning page for the boys in the writers group.  I'm hoping that this will be a way for them to stay connected and share their work.

Take a look

1 comment:

  1. I think the Things in this course were chosen to give you a sampling of what's out there. If you find a few particular Things that you like, you may be able to standardize somewhat by looking at Google (for example) to see if they offer those Things with their myriad of Apps.


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