Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 8, # 18

I can see the value of a program like ZOHO Writer.  I think it is a little hard to navigate at first.  but once you get into the program and play around with it a little, things clarify. I created a first page for a library handbook (look at the left for the handbook link.)  Ok so now I opened the handbook link and can't close it.

Also, in working with the ZOHO Writer, I wanted to post some more library pictures but I am having a problem with resizing.  I can't decide why the new pictures which are in the same folder as the one on the title page won't fit.  I find this tool in theory to be very helpful, esp. for the person moving from computer to computer or place to place, but in practice, at least for me, too high maintenance.  I'm going to keep working with it because I think it's a neat idea. BUT...

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